Digital Collection

Digital Collection is an application system used in the billing process for debtors or customers who experience delays in their payments. It is a digital platform, accessible through mobile apps and web-based interfaces, that provides several supporting features such as GPS integration, digital messaging services, e-payment links, and digital map technology.
Dashboard mockup
Why Using Our Product?

Revolutionize Your Debt Collection with Digital Solutions

Digital Collection is a software system designed to assist with the debt collection process for customers who have fallen behind on payments. It is accessible through both mobile apps and web-based platforms and incorporates various features such as GPS, digital messaging services, e-payment links, and digital mapping technology. Additionally, it includes a strategy engine that uses automated segmentation and treatments to aid in collection activities.

The system allows for:
Easy Tracking of Billing
Monitoring Activity
Assigning Tasks
Auction Features
Monitoring Productivity
Restructuring to Aid in Debt Recovery

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